The second season of Netflix’s true crime anthology Monsters centers on the infamous Menendez brothers, Lyle and Erik, who were found guilty in 1996 of killing their parents, José and Kitty Menendez.
In the 1990s, Lyle and Erik Menendez gained notoriety when they were charged with the murders of their affluent parents, José and Kitty Menendez. The case, which attracted widespread notice, brought up issues with abuse, family dynamics, and the intricacies of the American legal system.
The Offense
José and Kitty Menendez were discovered deceased in their Beverly Hills estate on August 20, 1989. They had both been shot several times. Evidence quickly pointed to the couple’s sons, although the police first believed there had been a heist gone awry.
The Detention and Legal Proceedings
In March 1990, Erik Menendez and Lyle were taken into custody. Their 1993 trial got underway with a lot of media coverage and dramatic testimony from the defense and prosecution.
The boys killed their parents, according to the prosecution, so they might inherit a large sum of money. However, the defense contended that Lyle and Erik had been sexually, emotionally, and physically abused by their father for many years.
The Decision and Its Impact
Following two independent trials, Lyle and Erik Menendez were found guilty of first-degree murder and given a life sentence without the chance of release. The case spurred a heated discussion on the function of money, family relationships, and the legal system.